Home Improvement

5 Important Winter Plumbing Tips

Your pipes have a significantly increased chance of freezing and bursting during colder weather. In cold weather, burst pipes are one of the most frequent sources of property damage, costing thousands of dollars in water damage, according to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety. The best way to avoid this pricey problem is to adhere to a few winter plumbing care advice, then hire a reputable plumber.

When it comes to all of your winter plumbing maintenance requirements, BJC Plumbers North Bergen is here to assist. You can handle some simple tasks on your own as well, though. These are five straightforward plumbing tips for winter:

#1 Turn off your exterior hose.

While it’s cold outside, your outdoor hose frequently suffers first. Disconnecting and storing all of your outdoor hoses is one of the most crucial suggestions to prevent your pipes from freezing. Before the first cold front, make sure to finish this work so that your hose is securely stored. The shutdown valves for outside faucets should be found and turned off during the freezing temperatures.

#2 Look for leaks in your house.

You should check your property for plumbing leaks in the fall as well. Look for low water pressure in the faucets and shower heads and note it. Call a professional right away to have any leaks corrected if you see any. Leaks of any size, no matter how small, can accumulate over time and wastewater while raising your utility costs.

#3 Try to keep your home warm at all times.

Keep your home warm while following this advice, which may seem basic to prevent your pipes from freezing. The main reason why pipes in homes burst is low inside temperatures. A 55-degree minimum inside temperature should be maintained and your thermostat should be set and switched on.

#4 Inspect your sinks for any clogging problems that might exist.

Using your sink as a garbage disposal is a bad idea. When temperatures dip, particularly in the winter, oils, and fats flushed down the drain may freeze. Your drains might get backed up as a result, which would be problematic. Make sure to dispose of grease properly and keep your drains open to prevent your pipes from freezing when it gets cold outside.

#5 Be certain to have your pipes inspected.

A specialist can check your pipes to make sure they are in good operating order for the winter months if you have never had them examined. Also, by insulating and, if necessary, replacing damaged pipes, they may safeguard your property from bursting pipes. Don’t take chances since a bursting pipe might completely upend a homeowner’s life.

Winter Plumbing Maintenance? Dial BJC Plumbers North Bergen!

In North Bergen, https://plumbernorthbergen.com/ aims to be your go-to source for comprehensive plumbing services. Our experts work with all types of residential and commercial plumbing, including kitchen and bathroom plumbing, emergency plumbing services, sewer line repair, sewer line inspection, gas line repair, and much more. This includes winter plumbing maintenance. To learn how we can assist you, contact us right away at (201) 389-9959 or go to our website.