Pest Control

Can Heat Be Used to Kill Bed Bugs?

When trying to get rid of bed bug infestations, heat treatments are frequently performed. It’s important to remember that badly carried out heat treatments can not be successful in getting rid of bed bugs.

The Summertime Routine of the Bed Bugs

Although getting rid of bed bugs can be difficult, it is not impossible. Bed bugs can be killed by intense heat if it is used regularly over a long period of time. Bed bugs must be killed at temperatures of 113 degrees Fahrenheit or above for 90 minutes. Only a qualified professional should attempt to speed the death of bed bugs with higher temperatures.

Is it possible to get rid of bed bugs at home with heat?

It makes sense to seek bed insect cure right away, and many people do this by looking first to do-it-yourself remedies. Use of portable electric warmers, heaters, and hair dryers is a common method for attempting to get rid of bed bugs. But how successful are these DIY solutions going to be?

Keep the following in mind if you decide to exterminate bed bugs on your own with heat:

  • Pesticides, insecticide sprays, and even heat are generally ineffective against bed bugs. Bed bugs may hide in almost any crack or crevice due to their small size. They can get inside your house through the seams, the box spring, or the crevices in your walls. They can escape and come back if you don’t secure all doors and windows and keep an eye on them.
  • It could be difficult to gauge your heat source’s precise temperature. While using a traditional space heater, it might be challenging to tell if the temperature is too high. Your home could burn down or other goods that can’t resist high heat could be destroyed if your smartphone becomes too hot.
  • Bed bug-infested sheets and linens can be made bed bug-free by being dried in a dryer. Any working device should be able to reach temperatures high enough to eradicate bed bugs. A typical dryer can only dry a certain amount of laundry. However, you can lessen the possibility of bringing bed bugs into your home if you toss everything that can be dried in a dryer into the dryer as soon as you get home from a trip. This is a great way to stop bed bugs from getting into your furniture, but it won’t help if you already have an infestation.

Additional Bed Bug Elimination Techniques


In order to eradicate any leftover bed bugs, fumigating your home or business entails spraying it with a significant amount of highly concentrated chemicals. Fumigations should only be performed by licensed professionals, and not all exterminators offer this service. We are lucky to have access to experts who are knowledgeable about a variety of bed bug eradication techniques, including tape-and-seal fumigations, covered fumigations, and more.


In some cases, liquid bed bug treatments can be beneficial. It is typical practice to complement this strategy with additional therapies, nevertheless. You can get advice on whether or not to incorporate this method in your bed bug extermination plan from a qualified pest inspector.