
Wisdom From Divorce: Does Life Get Easier When Your Ex Is Dating

Wisdom From Divorce: Does Life Get Easier When Your Ex Is Dating?

When Michelle filed for divorce, her children were 12 and 14. The choice of her father’s girlfriends caused her daughter to feel conflicted, but it wasn’t so much about the particular woman as it was about the changes it brought about in her friendship with her friend and the way her father handled the matter.

Says The Divorce Coach

Some unexpected and startling reactions can arise when you find out your ex is dating:

  • Perhaps sooner than you would have thought they are dating.
  • maybe they’re dating someone you know maybe they’re dating and you’re not
  • Before you try to make any inferences about your kids being around this person, it’s crucial to sift through these emotions.

If you’re feeling envy because you want you could reconcile, consider whether your feelings are true or practical. It’s also possible that they are the result of your sadness or the belief that reconciliation would be an easy way to get out of a difficult situation right now.

It’s also possible that your sentiments of envy have less to do with your ex particularly and more to do with your desire to be coupled up.

Understanding these feelings will make it easier for you to consider your ex’s new spouse more logically.